Friday, October 9, 2015

Going off to College- Life Lesson #8 is a must for college & work!
You did great in high school, but let yourself be challenged with this thought- it was a cake-walk compared to what you will experience at college.
College will throw a lot more work at you, and you'll need to up your game, increase your personal productivity, and be able to accomplish more in less time. The same study approach used in high school, will not be sufficient for college and beyond.
Here's a tool that can really help - KanbanFlow. Why is it so helpful? It is will help you
  • by being free!
  • visually manage your work in a customized way that suits your personal preference
  • track progress and efficiency
  • manage your bodily sedentary limits with the Pomodoro timer (which will keep your blood flowing and keep you from having to have a "chopabutoffame" medical procedure when you get older)
  • let you know if you will be successful to your plan

It's not only great for college, but also for any school, and any type of work. The mobile version works well on any mobile device (without having to download your 16,345th app.)
I've used many time management systems (Day-Timer, Covey, Outlook, etc...) and for managing a focused workload (like school or work) this cannot be beat. (The Covey group has some great material I'll blog about later that is especially good for managing priorities.)

Remember- the overall life lesson here is not just to be successful in college. But rather to be successful in life, as you move into ministry and employment that will require you to quickly master and apply large amounts of information to be successful. KanbanFlow should be your life-long support pal.
Additionally, Father expects due diligence from us in applying these study habits to His Word. The study habits you develop now in the academic and employment areas need to be applied to studying God's Word so that you get life and ministry right!
"... do everything you can to present yourself to God as a man who is fully genuine, a worker unashamed of your mission, a guide capable of leading others along the correct path defined by the word of truth" 2 Timothy 2:15

PS: Why is this life lesson #8? Because I didn't want to make it #1-7, which will consist of more important things- so I picked 8 to comment on while I was thinking about it.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Graphing Calculators

Which graphing calculator do you pick when your son or daughter needs one for school?

I wanted the one that had the most abilty to draw my son's interest in math.  So, after some research I went for the Casio fx GC10.
Sure, HPs are industry standard, but they appear to have quirky syntax. I figured my son can always pick up HP syntax later, if he truly gets interested by using a friendly calcualator early on in his school careers.
Watch for posts that will explain how the Casio fx GC10 works, and helpful features.